---+ %TOPIC% <!-- * Set DENYTOPICVIEW = --> ---++ Description Extract user information from an Ldap directory. Note, you have to install the System.LdapNgPlugin to make this work. Depending on your directory layout and the used schema you have to adjust the filter below. ---++ Parameters * KEY: key used to fetc the user record, e.g. the login name ---++ Implementation Guest users should not see login name. <verbatim> %STARTINCLUDE% %IF{"'%USERNAME%'!='guest'" then='%LDAP{"(&(objectClass=person)(uid=%KEY%))" clear="$cn,$mail,$departmentNumber,$telephoneNumber,$postalAddress,$labeledURI" limit="1" format=" <b>Login</b>: $cn <b>Email</b>: $mail <b>Tel:</b> $telephoneNumber <b>Address:</b> <br> $postalAddress "}%' }% %IF{"'%USERNAME%'='guest'" then='%LDAP{"(&(objectClass=person)(uid=%KEY%))" clear="$cn,$mail,$departmentNumber,$telephoneNumber,$postalAddress,$labeledURI" limit="1" format=" <b>Email</b>: $mail <b>Tel:</b> $telephoneNumber <b>Address:</b> <br> $postalAddress "}%' }% %STOPINCLUDE% </verbatim> ---++ Test %INCLUDE{"%TOPIC%" KEY="%USERNAME%"}%