User management using data stored in topics
User Mapping Manager interface provides services for mapping between a 'user identity' as used when talking to an external authentication provider,
an internal canonical user ID, and the displayed name used to identify the user in topics.
This is the default TopicUserMapping in which user information is stored in topics - one per user, and then any mapping needed is done using the
WikiUsers topic in the Main.
SimplifiedUserMappingCodeInterface for a more detailed discussion
of the concepts.
It includes the topics that are used when registering and managing users and groups via Foswiki:
- Registration and user management topics
- Documentation topics
- default groups and user
- User lists
- User and Group template files
If you are developing a non-topic based User mapper, you might like to consider removeing or replacing the files installed by this Contrib.
Adding and deleting users
Users are added using the default registration process in Foswiki. To delete a user (admins only),
- Edit the .htpasswd file to delete their entry (see
for the location
- Remove their topic files: data/Main/FredQuimby.txt and data/Main/FredQuimby.txt,v
- Remove the FredQuimby? line from the WikiUsers topic
- Remove user from all groups and from all the ALLOWWEB/ALLOWTOPIC... declarations, if any.
- Note
- Otherwise this will leave a security hole, as the first person to re-register with this name will be granted the permissions of the previous user.
The TopicUserMappingContrib specific settings have not yet been moved out of the standard Foswiki.spec. This will be done in a future release.
Installation Instructions
It's a part of the default distribution of the Foswiki Core.
Contrib Info